Those Nursing Hands

As this year’s Nurses Appreciation Week draws to a close, let me give a shout out to every single nurse out there!

To those gas-passing-and-propofol-dispensing CRNAs,
The harried-yet-blamed-for-everything pre-op nurses,
The trying-to-make-those-prima-donnas-happy circulating nurses (Boy! do they circulate!),
The the-patient-you brought out-is-not-breathing PACU nurses,
The stern-and-unflappable-is-the-patient-on-any-pressors ICU nurses,
Those have-eyes-at-the-back-of-their heads ER nurses,
The I-do-not-know-how-you-do-it floor nurses…

To all nurses out there – we love your empathy, compassion, organized and caring nature, hard work and above all…those hands…

“Those Nursing Hands”