Welcome to the launch edition of EDGY!, a magazine that aims to celebrate the confluence of pictures and words.
This first issue has the theme, “The Art of the Sultry”. It aims to celebrate the sexuality and allure of the woman.
These are qualities that can be flaunted and cheapened or kept quite suggestive and powerful. It is in the latter state that they create the rather powerful Art of the Sultry. It is the total control that is wielded in this state that can lend women an amazing control over their lives as well as those of the opposite sex.
It is not the fragrant selling of the human body for financial gain but a rather, a delicate dance of subtly hinting at what may be in dress, speech, the way a woman walks or even dances. The promise of things to come. The delayed gratification.
Whatever the reason, this promise of things to come can induce a great deal of sexual tension and energy in men that can have amazing positive potential.
In simpler times, the desire to get noticed as a suitor by standing out from the herd drove men to impress a woman through noble acts and deeds and unfortunately, sometimes of great folly. In the process, these great acts often enhanced the lot and fortunes of the man in society and made women wielders of immense power and drivers as well as creators of society’s growth.
The saying, “Behind every great man is a strong woman” may well have stemmed from this interaction.
So should today’s emancipated woman still practice this art as means to an end?
Being a man, I do not think it is my place to answer that question but I bet even today, there are many women who have mastered this art and practice it quite well.
Unwise men who do not recognize the potential this interaction carries may destroy it with force and their egos. They may even feel threatened. Impatient women who are blind to the delicacy of the process may rush into it, destroying their prospects.
It is definitely an art. The Art of the Sultry.
Below is the link
(Note: This magazine contains images that exhibited some nudity!)
Edgy presents “The Art of the Sultry”