That Silver Lining

“You see, it’s the slow knife…the knife that takes its time. The knife…that waits years without forgetting…then slips quietly between the bones. That’s the knife…that cuts deepest.”
―Talia al Ghu (Miranda Tate) in “The Dark Knight Rises”
“They are all innocent until proven guilty. But not me. I am a liar until I am proven honest.” ― Louise O’Neil in “Asking For It”
She retreated into her corner… that dark foreboding place…where her terrifying thoughts were her only friends…and her fears haunted her every minute…she erected a glass wall, that was fogged by her tears, fears, and breath…yet if one looked closely at that wall…that glass wall that really could not hide her turmoil, one could hear and even see her silent screams for…
It is a mysterious thing, the loss of faith – as mysterious as faith itself.” – George Orwell in “A Clergyman’s Daughter” From the “Freestyle Series” comes #13:
Welcome to the second edition of Ekphrastic-Alley!, a magazine that features poetry inspired by art and photography.
This edition is titled “Resting Places” and explores the places, situations, and people that offer solace and rest. A resting place may be temporal or it may be a refuge in times of turmoil. It could also be final – a place of rest from life’s battles. One may not even realize a place, situation or person is acting as a resting place. Whatever it is, themes that are recognizable in such a place are love, peace, solace, and refuge.
May your life offer a resting place for those you love and may you find one when you need it.
Below is the link:
Ekphrastic-Alley presents “Resting Places”
For some it is just a scam…others use it to pay for a drug habit…however, what about the man, woman or child for whom it is a lifeline?….those who have to swallow self-pride to say the words…
“Can you spare some change?”
(An 8” x 10” wet plate collodion image on black acrylic)
Reflections in a Ring of Light
In this fascinating collection of memories, dreams, musings and all that a creative mind can conjure, Nana Dadzie Ghansah takes the reader on a very descriptive journey across time.
Nana writes across generations and zigzags us across the world from Ghana to Paris, France to Lexington, Kentucky, to Leipzig, Germany and more.
Whether we meet him sweeping his grandfather’s compound to perfection, admiring nature in the village of Besease, being a doctor in Lexington or in his trusted 1989 VW Golf, there is an energizing outburst of thought and a simultaneously sober reflection on the past, present, and future through multiple lenses.
If you’re looking to go on a thought-provoking and yet humorous journey that leaves your mind enriched, then this collection is a great pick.
Get a copy in Kindle version or on paperback at Amazon.